Assessment (for development)
At Aspiral development is in our DNA. So while we provide assessment for recruitment through expert associates, our core focus is assessment for development.
Our broad view of assessment is effectively to provide a snapshot of current reality, in whatever form is most appropriate, as per our brief.
Our assessments tools include:
- Enneagram based EQ/personality profilers
- Emotional Intelligence assessments
- The Leadership Maturity Framework (Cook -Greuter)
- 360-degree assessments
Values-Based Leadership
One approach that resonates with Aspiral’s views is that of Values-Based Leadership. We offer an introduction to Values-Based Leadership and guidance on how to implement this successfully throughout an organisation.
At a business level, Values-Based Leadership is about creating a connection: a connection with the purpose of the organisation, a connection with the vision for the organisation and a connection with the values that will underpin the purpose and vision.
Values-Based Leadership is important because it provides employees with a set of ‘rules for engagement’, and a framework for making decisions. When these values and behaviours are applied consistently and fairly they can shape the culture of the company, the employee and the customer experience, and thus transform performance. This approach ensures that you strategically build your culture in alignment with your business goals.
When all dimensions work well, this leads to:
- Sustainability – a sustainable and dynamic organisational culture that has the agility to change and create long term repeatable success
- Emotional connection and engagement of both employees and customers within the business.
- Organisation – the ability of the whole team to be responsive and adapt to the changing environment within which it operates
- Leadership – values-based leadership wins the trust, respect, and confidence of the people in the organisation.
- Alignment – creates focus and ensures alignment to the purpose and the goals of the organisation
Leadership Development Programme
The Aspiral Leadership Development Programme is a bespoke, modular program for small groups of leaders on any organisational level, and well suited to executives. In its standard format it runs over three to six months with fortnightly or monthly Leadership Coaching sessions, in groups of up to eight. The programme includes an instructive component covering essential leadership wisdom, and a coaching element that coaches leaders as they learn coaching skills.
Personal outcomes of the Aspiral Leadership Development Programme include higher levels of self-awareness, self-regulation and self-determination, while the more collective outcomes include the development of a common language amongst leaders, more effective ways of engaging and enhanced team cohesion. Leaders develop both an understanding of how leadership works universally and how their own personal, authentic and empowering leadership ways emerge.